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Area Schools

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Kingsville Area

Naval Air Station Kingsville is located southeast of the city of Kingsville in Kleberg County, Texas, about 43 miles southwest of Corpus Christi and has 8 public schools districts within their area of responsibility.  In addition to public schools, charter schools and private schools are available. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is the state agency that oversees primary and secondary public education in the state of Texas. The Texas public school system is divided into 20 educational service center areas. NAS Kingsville is located in the Educational Service Center Area 2.   

Please contact the School Liaison to inquire and get clarification on the school districts process/policy regarding School Choice. 


Public Schools Serving the Military Housing and Community Neighborhoods in Kingsville

J. R. Perez Elementary (PK-5): 1111 East Ailsie Ave; (361) 592-8511 

J. S. Gillett Middle (6-8): 1007 North 17th St; (361) 595-8200 

H.M. King Early College High (9-12): 2210 South Brahma Blvd; (361) 595-8600 

Families selecting non-military housing in the Kingsville ISD area can find their zoned elementary school here

Those choosing to live in and around Kleberg County can click here to view their determined zoned school district.  

Learn more about how the Texas Education Agency supports Military Families here.


Purple Star Schools

Many schools within surrounding districts have earned the Purple Star Campus Designation. The purpose of the Purple Star Campus Designation is to recognize schools that support the unique needs of military families, help military-connected students navigate critical challenges and provide resources for military-connected students when transitioning to a new school environment.


Dress Code

Some school districts in the Kingsville area mandate student uniforms. Parents are encouraged to visit their school's website to learn more about their dress code policy. The dress code policy is typically found in the Student Handbook.



The district makes school bus transportation available to all students living two or more miles from school and to any students who are experiencing homelessness. This service is provided at no cost to students. Learn more here. Kingsville ISD provides a visual tool to help families determine if they are eligible to receive transportation services here.


Charter Schools 

There is one (1) charter school located in the NAS Kingsville area. Jubilee Kingsville is located about 1.5 miles from the installation. 

The Charter School Locator Map has information about all Texas charter schools and can help you locate a charter school close to where you live. In addition, charter district and campus performance information is available through The Charter School Applications page on the TEA website includes detailed information about each charter and is available for download. 


Private Schools 

There is one (1) private school in the NAS Kingsville area. Epiphany Episcopal Montessori School (PK3-K) is located about 5 miles from the installation. There are no private school options in the local area for grades 2-12.  

TEA has no oversight of private schools or home school programs. The Texas Private School Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC) helps ensure quality in private schools by monitoring and approving organizations that accredit the various non-public elementary and secondary educational institutions in the state of Texas. 

Private school addresses, phone numbers, school administrators, grade span, programs offered, and enrollment by grade can be found on the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission's Private School Directory, which lists accredited, non-public schools all throughout the state of Texas. 



Families who choose to homeschool their child(ren) have four (4) legal requirements. To learn more details, please click here. For homeschool events hosted by our program, please contact the School Liaison



The Texas Department of State Health Services website provides a list of immunization requirements children must have to enroll in school. 


Choosing a School

We know the importance of choosing a school that best meets the needs of your military child(ren). Even though School Liaisons are unable to make direct recommendations for schools, we are available to help you acquire information and research the schools within NRSE. We can provide overall information on districts as well as help you determine what schools you might be zoned to once you have a residence. Academic, demographic and fiscal information on Texas schools can be found using the following resources: School Report Card, School Finder, Texas School District Locator (SDL) and District Directory (AskTED).


Out of Zone Student Transfer 

Families interested in attending a school outside of their assigned neighborhood school should reach out to the School Liaison to learn of Texas state policies and procedures. 


Military Interstate Compact

The Military Interstate Compact (MIC) is an article of laws to help make transition easier for children of military families so that they may be afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals. The MIC provides support with placement, enrollment, extracurricular activities, senior moves and more! The MIC only covers students enrolled in U.S. Public Schools and DoDEA Schools. It does not apply to students enrolled in private schools, homeschools or international schools. Additional information can be found at:

Child Development Center

The Child Development Center (CDC) is designed to meet the individual developmental needs of military children by offering quality child care. The CDC provides low adult-to-child ratios that support quality experiences for young children; onsite.  The CDC supports parent involvement and works with a team of professionals to ensure meeting the needs of all children. All Navy operated programs use The Creative Curriculum, a standard curriculum model designed to support individualized planning for children while guiding their learning as meaningful and purposeful experiences. This research-based curriculum approach fosters early brain development and school success thus providing continuity for military families adapting to frequent moves between installations. The CDC offers full day care for children 6 weeks to 5 years old. Staff work in partnership with parents to meet each individual child's needs in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment. Hourly care is available.

Helpful Links
This is our website so that parents can get on the waiting list for military child care.
This is the website is for parents who cannot find care within our CYP.  They must be registered on and on a waitlist to qualify.

Teaching Strategies

Healthy at Home


School Liaison Home Page

Organizations Devoted to The Military Family 

MilitaryINSTALLATIONS: select the program or service and then choose any installation or enter any zip code. A downloadable directory for all installations will be available on the results page.

DoDEA: the Department of Defense Educational Activity instructional program provides a comprehensive pre-kindergarten through 12th grade curriculum overseas and at select locations in the continental US.

The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC): focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation and transition.

National Military Family Association: the leading non-profit organization focusing on issues important to military families.

Fleet & Family Support Programs: information on the many services provided for military families.

Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA): a national organization of school superintendents to serve school districts with a high concentration of military children.

Interstate Compact for Military Children: seeks to make transitions easier for the children of military families so that they are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals.


Special Needs Resources 

Special Ed Connection: the go-to online source for guidance on all your special education challenges — and the only source you need to keep current on education policy and legal developments.

DOD EFMP: Exceptional Family Member Program. 

National Association of Gifted Children: NAGC is the nation's leading organization focused on the needs of gifted and talented children. 

Mensa: Mensa is the world’s largest, oldest and most famous high IQ society.

Parent to Parent USA (P2PUSA): supports families and individuals from birth to 26 impacted by disabilities or special health care needs.

PACER: the Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights provides individual assistance, workshops, publications and other resources to help families make decisions about education and other services for their child or young adult.

LD On-line: the world's leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD, serving more than 200,000 parents, teachers, and other professionals each month.

Military OneSource: ROC: a one-source access point to the resources, options and consultations available to military families with special needs through Military OneSource.


Additional Resources a free program that allows eligible college and grades K-12 students in US military families to connect to a live tutor online at any time for one-to-one help with homework, studying, test prep, proofreading and more.

National Parent Teacher Association: an organization dedicated to making a difference in the education, health and safety of America’s children and youth.

Guide to Online Schools: from K-12 to college, explore online learning modes, hear from experts and read how Khan Academy and other free resources help students get ahead.

Today's Military: provides overview of joining the military- resources for parents and educators.



Homeschooling Legal Defense Association: bringing together a large number of homeschooling families so that each can have a low-cost method of obtaining quality legal defense.

Texas Education Agency: Homeschooling: created by the Texas Education Agency as a courtesy to parents interested educating their children at home. 

Homeschool Central: the information you need to successfully homeschool your child, including state laws, local support groups, articles and free resources.

Thrive Guide: Homeschool Edition: resources and information to help you thrive, whether you’re considering homeschooling or are looking for resources at your new installation.


Post-Secondary Support 

Gratitude Initiative: an online program that provides the most comprehensive one-on-one college and career counseling program available today free of charge.

College Board: offers students free grade activities, test score specific profiles and information on hundreds of colleges.

Student Financial Aid: provides student financial assistance resources.

GI Bill: VA website for Post 9/11 GI Bill, transferability and Yellow Ribbon. find schools and ways to pay on FastWEB.

Federal Financial Aid: the smart student guide to financial aid.


Military Academies and ROTC 

A Guide to U.S. Service Academies, Military Colleges: learn more about each academy and their admission's requirements by reading the linked article. military academy links for West Point , Navy, AF, CG, Merchant Marine. ROTC links for Army, Navy and Air Force.


Scholarships for Military-Connected Students 

School Liaisons keep a current roster of available military-connected students. Contact the School Liaison to obtain a copy of current scholarships available for students.


Youth Sponsorship 

Youth Sponsorship (grades 3-12) provides access to positive peer groups and social activities, helping military children feel connected at their new duty station. For Youth Sponsorship with School Age Care or Youth Programs, participants must be enrolled or a registered user. Click here to request a Youth Sponsor for your child(ren).

School Liaison Information

School Liaison Home Page

The School Liaison's (SL) primary function is to serve as a conduit between parents, educators and the command, so military-connected children experience a seamless transition during the transfer between schools. As K-12 education subject matter experts, SLs provide information and resources to support military families as they navigate the challenges of this unique lifestyle – frequent relocations, deployments (planned and unplanned), reintegration, separation, post-secondary planning, special education service coordination and so much more. Additionally, SLs support military parents who are looking for information on homeschooling or other alternative models of education by maintaining professional relationships with installation agencies and community service providers. 

The School Liaison Program was established under Child and Youth Education Systems (CYES) and falls under the Child and Youth Programs (CYP) umbrella under the Morale Welfare and Recreation of the US Navy. The SL Program serves all branches and is established throughout the Navy.


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